Let’s talk about adverbs

When it comes to different parts of the sentence in English, adverbs are probably the hardest class to understand and get used to. This is because they can be placed in different positions within the sentence, and they also have different functions. Below we will look at how adverbs are formed and what kinds of […]

Four stages of learning

Recently I was doing some research about learning and came across a term that I hadn’t heard before – the hierarchy of competence. It piqued my curiosity and I kept reading. The hierarchy of competence is often visualized as a pyramid with four stages of learning and the goal of the learner is to climb […]

New Year’s resolutions

As the New Year approaches, this is the time when many people make their New Year’s resolutions. But do resolutions really work? According to the article Reasons Why We Don’t Achieve New Year’s Resolutions published in Forbes, 80% of people give up on their New Year’s resolutions by mid-February. The reasons are picking non-realistic goals, […]

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