When I found out that I was going to move to the US, I wanted to start learning English before that big change in my life. Everything was happening very fast and I knew I didn’t have time to sign up for an extensive course, but I wanted to at least learn some basics. I […]
The superpower of resilience
Some of you might not know, but I am a tennis lover. Although I don’t play tennis, I love watching it. There is nothing better than watching two world-class athletes being on the verge of their physical capabilities and not giving up. But a few days ago, during the Paribas Open tennis tournament, the former […]
How to memorize words
How to keep going when the task lasts forever
“Why should I keep going? I will never be able to learn English well. I will never feel fluent.” I’ve heard these words from many English learners who, with frustration in their voice, tell me that they’ve started learning English a long time ago, but still don’t feel confident in their abilities to speak the […]
Unproductiveness of productive procrastination
The other day I heard about productive procrastination and the term sparked my curiosity. It is the act of being busy while still procrastinating. Whaaat??? I hear you; I was confused too. This is the less obvious sister of the procrastination we all are painfully familiar with. But while we are aware that we procrastinate […]