“You nailed it” and other idioms

A while ago I heard a nonnative speaker complaining that he had totally misunderstood his boss because of a phrase the latter had used. The situation was the following: the nonnative speaker presented something at work and after the presentation he asked his boss for feedback. “You killed it,” his boss said. The presenter was […]

The power of simple words

I still remember my first English writing class that I took in college. Back then I was thinking, “This is not an ESL school anymore; this is real college.” This thought excited me and intimidated me at the same time. In Minnesota, the first state I lived in after arriving in the US, there were […]

Slogans with mistakes?

If correct grammar is so important, then why are some of the largest companies in the world choosing to have slogans with mistakes? Is it because it’s catchy? Or do they have to send their very expensive advertising agents to grammar school? 😅 There are certain situations where a message is more powerful when it’s […]

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