Today, we’ll explore how to correctly use the verbs of suggestion: advise, recommend, and suggest. Other verbs of suggestion include ask, demand, insist, prefer, propose, request, and urge. But I’ve chosen to focus on advise, recommend, and suggest because they tend to be the most confusing for some of my students. Let’s start with […]
How to use THOUGH in a sentence
In today’s post you will learn how to use the word though in sentences and the several different meanings that it can have depending on how it is used. But before I move on to the different meanings of though, let’s talk about how to pronounce it. Some people are confused because it’s spelled with […]
You nailed it and other English idioms
In this post, you will learn five idioms that Americans use to praise someone for a job well done. Idioms are a type of figurative language where the words put together lose their literal meaning. The problem is that when we study English at school, we learn the literal meaning of words. And when we […]
How soon should you start speaking in English?
Build negative sentences with Yet or Still
In this post, I’m going to share with you a sentence structure that can be quite confusing to many English learners. It is confusing because it can create a negative sentence without using any negative words like not or don’t or can’t or won’t. Not even a negative prefix. By the way, talking about negatives, […]
The best way to learn English
Commonly confused pairs of words in English
As you might already know, there are some words in English that sound very similar or even identical but have different meanings. Even native speakers sometimes make mistakes when they spell some of these words. But for nonnative speakers, these words can be a nightmare. Ok, I might be exaggerating a little, but they are […]
English expressions to agree with others
Common mistakes some English learners make
Do you ever make mistakes in English that stem from translating from your native language? As a nonnative speaker myself, I know that some minor errors are hard to notice until someone points them out to you. If you make some of the mistakes I’m going to share, don’t get frustrated. I know it takes […]