Lingo Adventure – my new YouTube channel

Lingo Adventure - my new YouTube channelWhat’s unique to us humans is that we all have dreams. But these dreams are often spoiled by “what ifs.” We constantly doubt ourselves and play the worst case scenarios in our heads. What if I suck? What if I fail? What if others think I’m dumb? All these limited beliefs flood our brains.

And yet, some dreams are stronger than fear of rejection. For example, I’ve been thinking of starting my own YouTube channel for a few years now, but I’ve been hiding behind the “I don’t have time” excuse. All of a sudden we all are so busy when we hesitate to take action. But in the end, certain wishes overpower self-doubt, so today I’m proud to let you know that I have finally started my YouTube channel.

It feels great to start something that I’ve been contemplating for so long. I don’t know why we humans hesitate so much before we muster the courage to go after what we want, but I am doing it now and it feels good.

I am blessed to have an amazing online community that participated in choosing the channel’s name. We were down to five options, and the winner is Lingo Adventure.

To be honest, this name wasn’t my first choice in the beginning, but I LOVE it now. It represents me so well – languages and adventure. And I hope you all join me in this adventure 🙂.

I wanted to thank you one more time for being a part of this incredible community and of my adventure as an English teacher, Speaking Club host, blogger, and now YouTuber.

My first five videos

The first five episodes have been already uploaded, so you can go ahead and watch them. It would mean a lot to me if you subscribe, like, and comment as well. This will help me to come up with new and current content. Below is the list of the first videos together with a brief description.

What surprised me when I moved to the US – parts 1 and 2

In this two-part video series (part 1 and part 2) I share with you a dozen things – six per episode – that surprised me when I first moved to the US. Even if you think that you know American culture, there are many things (some of them super subtle) that no one talks about. The topics I discuss are things that I experienced first-hand and now I share them with you.

Six things I DIDN’T do when I was learning English

In this episode I discuss six things I didn’t do when I learned English. I also talk about the difference between learning English as a second language and learning English as a foreign language. There are many things you could do to become fluent in English. But what NOT to do is as important as what to DO.

Are you mispronouncing these English words?

In this epizode I discuss five pairs of words that some of my students mispronounce. English has more vowels than many other languages and this creates challenges when it comes to pronunciation. But the correct way of saying things brings not only clarity in communication, but also self-confidence. Although the words I discuss in this video might seem similar, they are pronounced quite differently. The tips I give you will help you distinguish between important vowels in English.

How to start thinking in English

In this video I share with you seven steps you can take to start thinking in English. I believe that thinking is an abstract action and we don’t think in a linear way, but there are still some hacks to help you verbalize your thoughts in English without first constructing a sentence in your language.

Tell me, what is something you have wanted to do or have been thinking of trying, but you are still hesitating? Why are you hesitating? Let me know in the comments below this post.


Please leave your comment in the comment section and share this post on social media using the sharing buttons below the text.

Remember to sign up for our Speaking Club, where you can share ideas on different topics with other amazing humans from all over the world. After all, that’s what English is for – connecting and making new friends. 😉


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